The Myofascial Tree

Freedom of movement, freedom from pain – implementing Myofascial treatment to improve posture, balance, and alignment.
“Form ever follows function.”
- Louis Sullivan

Three Dimensional Unwinding

I stabilize neutral positioning of the Myofascial plane with one forearm, while I actively strip and drag the Myofascia away from the fixed point with my other forearm. Add some rotational torque that opposes the Myofascial restriction and you have entered a three dimensional, multi layered approach to connective tissue release.

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The Human Body

The human body and how we move is a constantly changing entity that will adapt to its environment, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. When you look at the body as a whole, there are a lot of systems, all connected, and dependent on each other.

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Posture, Balance and Alignment

My eclectic background includes deep tissue massage (RMT), Pilates, Chen Tai Chi / push hands, Hatha yoga, Yin yoga, and Yamuna body rolling. Although each field is a different representation of bodywork, they all share a common theme: posture, balance, and alignment.

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The 5 Branches of the Myofascial Tree.

Why focus on five points? There is so much going on with Myofascia, “the whole body is the sum of all the parts“. To obtain complete harmony from nose to toes is an unwinding process that is improbable in one session. If you chose to treat individuals until they were Myofascial aligned and posturally sound, we would be doing 3-4 hour sessions with a 50% probability that by next week they would be Myofascial bound again. Treat the core, keep treating the core, and the limbs will follow. (Trauma induced limb injuries not included).

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"The comforts of today hinder the progress of tomorrow."

Don Desrosiers


What is the Myofascial Tree?

The techniques incorporated in The Myofascial Tree free up and liberate the Myofascia that restrict the five primary Myofascial centers. I call these sites of Myofascial overlap the ‘limbs of your Myofascial Tree’. The trunk of the tree dictates the placement of the branches just as the core in humans dictates the position of the limbs. Place an external duress on a tree and the tree will adapt its growth, regardless if the adaptation is positive or negative. When one limb shifts, the whole tree is affected; like trees, we are the sum of all our parts.

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